Designing Home: Masterpiece Houses from NAMA’s Collection 1940-1975
2021.12.14[Tue.]-2022.3.13[Sun.] |
“Designing Home: Masterpiece Houses from NAMA’s Collection 1940-1975” was end.
List of exhibited works (1.18-2.13)(PDF)
List of exhibited works (12.14-1.16)(PDF)
The COVID-19 pandemic has prompted teleworking and changes in family life, and the idea of home itself is also beginning to change. Our idea of home was formed on the basis of various approaches to housing from the postwar reconstruction period to the period of rapid economic growth in the early 1970’s. Various “homes” were conceived in response to major changes in social conditions, including the concentration of population in cities, increasing demands for the ownership of single family homes, the shift to nuclear families, people’s desire for modern and stylish living spaces and so on. Based on these ideas, the design of “home” have undergone significant and diverse development since the late 1970’s, and today it is a key field that underpins Japan’s architectural culture.
This exhibition organized by the National Archives of Modern Architecture (NAMA) will focus on some of the projects that laid the groundwork for these ideas of “home.” We will feature materials from NAMA’s collection that illustrate the ideas of home from the mid-war and post-war reconstruction period to the mid-1970’s, aiming to bring back to life the exploration and development of housing in Japan in a vivid and easy-to-understand manner.
Organization:Agency for Cultural Affairs, Government of Japan
Support:Tokyo Metropolitan Park Association
Venue:National Archives of Modern Architecture, Agency for Cultural Affairs 4-6-15 Yushima, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, 113-8553, Japan
Tel: 03-3812-3401 Fax: 03-3812-3407
Period:December 7th (Tue.) ~ March 6th (Sun.)(December 27th (Mon.) ~ January 4th (Tue.): New Year Holiday), closed on Mondays, except Jan.10th is opened as public holiday.
Planning:National Archives of Modern Architecture, Agency for Cultural Affairs, Government of Japan
Chapter Summary
Chapter 1: Fusion of Traditional Japanese Wooden Houses and Modernism
Chapter 1 will showcase various responses to the challenge of incorporating design elements of modern architecture (frame structure, pilotis, rooftop garden, free plan, atrium, simple geometry) into the expression of traditional Japanese wood construction.
Mayekawa Kunio, Mayekawa House: 1942
Tatsumura House, Sakakura Junnzo: 1942
Tange House, Tange Kenzo: 1953
Maekawa Kunio, Fujimigaoka Clubhouse: 1954
Residence for Chairman of the House of Representatives, Kishida Hideto: 1961
Takagaki House, Takahashi Teichi: 1962
Chapter 2: Toward Mass Production and Housing Complexes
Chapter 2 will introduce various efforts to solve the housing shortage in Japan during and after World War II and ingenious approaches to the development of housing complexes, and explore the trajectory that has shaped the basic framework of modern Japanese housing.
Sakakura Associates architects and engineers, War Assembling Architecture: 1942
Kunio Mayekawa, Premos: 1948
Kunio Mayekawa, Hua Hsing Commercial Bank Shanghai Domitories: 1939
Otaka Masato, Sakaide Artificial Ground: 1962
Chapter 3: Urbanization and Creative Explorations of Living Spaces
Cities and people’s lifestyles in Japan are undergoing drastic changes due to the rapid concentration of population. Chapter 3 will look at various explorations of the idea of home that were conceived in response to such drastic changes.
Kikutake Kiyonori, Skyhouse: 1958~
Kikutake Kiyonori, Inoue House: 1955
Yoshizaka Takamasa, Yoshizaka House: 1955
Sakakura Associates architects and engineers, Niki House: 1962
Hara Hiroshi, Hara House: 1974
About monthly futures
Exhibits of the special exhibition corner are changed every month, and about ten important drawings per project are displayed.
Dec. 14th, 2021 to Jan. 16th, 2022: Sakakura Junzo
Jan. 18th, 2022 to Feb. 13th, 2022: Mayekawa Kunio
Feb. 15th, 2022 to Mar. 13th, 2022: Kikutake Kiyonori
It is distributed at the corner of exit. You can take it one by one. In addition to this, we are not planning to reprint it.
Please note that due to the closure of the former Iwasaki-tei garden, the only entrance to the garden is at the main gate of the Yushima local government office complex.
For those who wish to be interviewed or published in the media
Please feel free to use the exhibition’s logo and text for media coverage. Please inform when you publish. Please also send some of your publications to the archive. If you would like to request images of individual exhibits, you are requested to fill out the application form on the same page and send it to the person in charge.
About the interview
You are requested to contact to when you are planning to interview of the exhibition. You are requested to delete all images and external links before sending them for system reasons. If you do not receive a response within two days (excluding weekends and holidays), please call us at 03-3812-3401 between 10:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. on weekdays.
TANGE KENZO 1938-1970: From Pre-war period to Olympic Games and World Expo
July 21th (Wed) to October 10th (Sun), 2021 Exhibition website |
“TANGE KENZO 1938-1970 From Pre-war period to Olympic Games and World Expo” was end.
National Archives of Modern Architecture (NAMA) is pleased to present TANGE KENZO 1938-1970 From Pre-war period to Olympic Games and World Expo as NAMA’s summer special exhibition.
2021 is the year of the Olympic and Paralympic Games will be held in Tokyo. Looking back, architect Tange Kenzo played a leading role in realizing both the Tokyo Olympic Games in 1964 and the Osaka World Expo in 1970. At National Archives of Modern Architecture, Agency for Cultural Affairs of Japan, we have made use of our research findings on architectural materials related to Tange Kenzo from the past three years (2014-2016) and have organized this exhibition tracing his career from his graduation thesis to the Tokyo Olympics and the Osaka Expo. In this exhibition, we will retrace and explore the first half of Tange’s life through architectural materials for his national projects such as Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park and Yoyogi National Gymnasium, as well as for other projects including an addition to his own house and structural studies that have not been presented before.
Organization:Agency for Cultural Affairs, Japan
Cooperation:Tange Associates, Uchida Michiko, Tokyo Metropolitan Parks Association, Japan Arts Council, World Monuments Fund,American Express, DOCOMOMO Japan, The Museum of Art, Kochi
Venue:National Archives of Modern Architecture, Agency for Cultural Affairs(4-6-15 Yushima, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo)
Date:July 21th (Wed) to October 10th (Sun), 2021
Direction:National Archives of Modern architecture, Agency for Cultural Affairs
Guest Curator:Toyokawa Saikaku, Associate Professor at Chiba University
Cooperation:Chiba University
Audio guide in Japanese (15 items, 25 minutes)
This audio guide in Japanese is included 15 items that is selected from all items.
You can access QRcode or URL in the exhibition site
Communication fee is covered by yourself.
Two dimension code or URL is showed in the exhibition site. Introduction is listened from speaker with smartphone, or mobile phone.
If you need ear piece when you listen the introduction, you are requested to bring your daily used one.
Note Ear piece is distributed at reception until 1st September, however become out of stock and finish distribution.(updated by 2nd September)
Exhibition catalog(Out of stock(10th. October))
It is planned that the catalogue is distributed to reservation listed persons in sequence after 16th November. Date is not confirmed. Additionally, you are requested to pay the shipping fee only when you accept the catalogue. The catalogue is free.
And it was closed to order to reserve for it because both first and additional printing are out of stock.
Movies of exhibition and symposium(no fee)
NAMA open the movies of introduction the exhibition and symposium “Connect TANGE Kenzo and others- between the two”. You can access it from here.
However, the symposium is Japanese only, English caption is planned later.
1.You can enter from the entrance by “Former Iwasaki house garden” through the exhibition term with entrance fee for the garden.
2. Person entered from main entrance for Yushima local government complex, you are requested to go out from the main entrance.
3. Person entered from entrance of “Former Iwasaki house garden”, you are requested to go out from the entrance of the garden. Anyway you need to book for the ticket by yourself from here in advance, and to pay fee for the garden.
Gate of the Yushima local government offices(Not required booking) | Gate of the “Kyu-Iwasaki-tei garden”(Required booking in advance with limited numbers) | |
Weekdays | ○(No fee) | ○(400 yen as entracnce fee for the garden) |
Weekends | ×(Closed) | ○(400 yen as entracnce fee for the garden) |
丹下健三 1938-1970 戦前からオリンピック・万博まで
2021.7.21[水]-2021.10.10[日] 展覧会特設サイト終了しました) |
『丹下健三 1938-1970 戦前からオリンピック・万博まで』は終了しました。
この度、文化庁国立近現代建築資料館では「丹下健三 1938-1970 戦前からオリンピック・万博まで」を開催いたします。
主 催:文化庁
協 力:株式会社丹下都市建築設計、内田道子、公益財団法人東京都公園協会、独立行政法人日本芸術文化振興会、ワールド・モニュメント財団、アメリカン・エキスプレス、一般社団法人DOCOMOMO Japan、高知県立美術館
会 場:文化庁国立近現代建築資料館(東京都文京区湯島4-6-15 湯島地方合同庁舎内)
会 期:2021年7月21日(水)~10月10日(日)
企 画:文化庁国立近現代建築資料館
※1 平日は湯島地方合同庁舎および旧岩崎邸庭園側の2か所、土日祝日は旧岩崎邸庭園側入り口からの入館となります。
※2 出入口は、必ず同じ場所をご利用ください。湯島地方合同庁舎正門から入られる方は正門から、旧岩崎邸庭園側の入り口から入られる方は、庭園側からお帰りくださるよう、お願い申し上げます。湯島地方合同庁舎正門までの道のりはこちらをご覧ください。
※3 旧岩崎邸庭園側からお越しの方は、必ず、事前にこちらから同庭園入園のための整理券をご予約の上でお越しください。当館では手配等をいたしておりませんので、ご理解願います。また、旧岩崎邸庭園側からお越しの際は、同庭園入園料400円が必要となります。
湯島地方合同庁舎正門(予約不要) | 旧岩崎邸庭園側入り口(要事前予約、人数制限有) | |
平日 | ○無料 | ○ 400円(庭園入園料) |
土日祝日 | ×(閉門) | ○ 400円(庭園入園料) |
フォンド 24 – 前川國男建築設計資料
前川國男 MAYEKAWA Kunio
- 1931 帝室博物館懸賞設計応募案
- 1934 木村産業研究所
- 1941 上海華興商業銀行総合住宅
- 1942 前川自邸
- 1946 山陰工業組立住宅 プレモス74型
- 1947 紀伊国屋書店
- 1954 神奈川県立図書館・音楽堂
- 1958 日本住宅公団晴海高層アパート
- 1961 東京文化会館
- 1971 埼玉県立博物館
- 1974 東京海上ビル本館
- 1975 東京都美術館
- 1977 熊本県立美術
- 1979 国立西洋美術館新
- 1986 国立国会図書館新館
- 2015年度「ル・コルビュジエ×日本 国立西洋美術館を建てた3人の弟子を中心に」:上海華興商業銀行総合社宅、晴海高層アパート、ニューヨーク世界博覧会日本館
- 2021年度「〈住まい〉の構想 収蔵資料が物語る名作住宅1940-1975」:上海華興商業銀行総合社宅、プレモス、NHK富士見丘クラブハウス
工匠と近代化 大工技術の継承と展開
2020.12.10[木]-2021.2.19[金] |
『工匠と近代化 大工技術の継承と展開』は終了しました。
祝 「伝統建築工匠の技:木造建造物を受け継ぐための伝統技術」のユネスコ無形文化遺産登録(代表一覧表記載)
● 日本のたてもの工匠と近代化
― 大工技術の継承と展開 図録
● 日本のたてもの
自然素材を活かす伝統の技と知恵 公式図録
新型コロナウィルスの感染拡大による都立旧岩崎邸庭園の臨時休園継続に伴い、展覧会「工匠と近代化 大工技術の継承と展開」を以下のとおり臨時に休館いたします。なお、旧岩崎邸庭園休園に伴い、平日の入館可能な入口は湯島地方合同庁舎正門のみとなりますのでご注意ください。
令和3年1月9日(土) 臨時休館
令和3年1月10日(日) 臨時休館
令和3年1月16日(土) 臨時休館
令和3年1月17日(日) 臨時休館
令和3年1月23日(土) 臨時休館
令和3年1月24日(日) 臨時休館
令和3年1月25日(月から29日(金) 開館(入館は湯島地方合同庁舎正門のみ)
令和3年1月30日(土) 臨時休館
令和3年1月31日(日) 臨時休館
令和3年2月 1日(月)から5日(金) 開館(入館は湯島地方合同庁舎正門のみ)
令和3年2月 6日(土) 臨時休館
令和3年2月 7日(日) 臨時休館
令和3年2月 8日(月)から10日(水)開館(入館は湯島地方合同庁舎正門のみ)
令和3年2月11日(木) 臨時休館
令和3年2月12日(金) 開館(入館は湯島地方合同庁舎正門のみ)
令和3年2月13日(土) 臨時休館
令和3年2月14日(日) 臨時休館
新型コロナウイルス感染拡大防止の対策を講じつつ、「工匠と近代化 大工技術の継承と展開」を開催します。
主 催:文化庁
企 画:文化庁国立近現代建築資料館
協 力:公益財団法人東京都公園協会
池上 重康(北海道大学助教)
清水 隆宏(岐阜工業高等専門学校准教授)
永井 康雄(山形大学教授)
山崎 幹泰(金沢工業大学教授)
川向 正人(当館主任建築資料調査官)
[ 展覧会のみ閲覧 ](平日のみ利用可能)
[ 都立旧岩崎邸庭園と同時観覧 ]