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Annoucement of the next exhibition “TANGE KENZO 1938-1970: From Pre-war period to Olympic Games and World Expo”


     Next exhibition information “TANGE KENZO 1938-1970: From Pre-war period to Olympic Games and World Expo” is uploaded here.

Notification of the reduced terms of the exhibition and additional temporary closing dates


With “Kyu-Iwasakitei-teien(Former Iwasaki’s residence and garden)” temporary closing is still continued because of counter measure and prevent infection spread of COVID-19, National Archives of Modern Architecture is also continued temporary closing as follows.
In addition to this, end of the terms of exhibition “Traditional Carpenters and Modernization : The Inheritance and Evolution of Carpentry Techniques” is changed as 19th February.

It had already informed that the end of the terms had been 21th February, however, 20th and 21th are temporary closing, therefore, 19th is last day.
You are requested to check your schedule and the terms of the exhibition again.

From 8th to 10th February    Open(You can access to NAMA only main gate of Yushima local government office complex)
11th February                       Temporary closing
12th                                       Open(You can access to NAMA only main gate of Yushima local government office complex)
13th February                       Temporary closing
14th February                       Temporary closing
From 15th to 19th February  Open(You can access to NAMA only main gate of Yushima local government office complex)

Announcement of temporary closing for exhibition(from 16th January)


With “Kyu-Iwasakitei-teien(Former Iwasaki’s residence and garden)” temporary closing is continued because of counter measure and prevent infection spread of COVID-19, National Archives of Modern Architecture is also continued temporary closing.
Details is follows.

 9th January 2021 temporary closing
10th January 2021 temporary closing
11th January 2021 temporary closing
from 12th to 15th January 2021 open (You can access to NAMA only main gate of Yushima local government office complex)
16th January 2021 temporary closing
17th January 2021 temporary closing
from 18th to 22th January 2021 open(You can access to NAMA only main gate of Yushima local government office complex)
30th January 2021 temprary closing
31th January 2021 temporary closing
1st to 5th February open(You can access to NAMA only main gate of Yushima local government office complex)
6th February 2021 temporary closing
7th February 2021 temporary closing

Announcement of temporary closing


With “Kyu-Iwasakitei-teien(Former Iwasaki’s residence and garden)” is temporary closing from 26th December 2020 to 11th January 2021 because of counter measure and prevent infection spread of COVID-19, National Archives of Modern Architecture is also temporary closing from 26th December 2020 to 11th January 2021.
Details is follows.

26th December 2020 temporary closing
27th December 2020 temporary closing
28th December 2020 open (You can access to NAMA only main gate of Yushima local government office complex)

From 29th December 2020 to 3rd January 2021 closing of year end and new-year holidays

4th January 2021 open (You can access to NAMA only main gate of Yushima local government office complex)
5th January 2021 open (You can access to NAMA only main gate of Yushima local government office complex)
6th January 2021 open (You can access to NAMA only main gate of Yushima local government office complex)
7th January 2021 open (You can access to NAMA only main gate of Yushima local government office complex)
8th January 2021 open (You can access to NAMA only main gate of Yushima local government office complex)

9th January 2021 temporary closing
10th January 2021 temporary closing
11th January 2021 temporary closing

Announcement of the next exhibition


“Traditional Carpenters and Modernization The Inheritance and Evolution of Carpentary Techniques” as next exhibition is planned and started from 10th December 2020 to 21th February 2021.
 The details is here.