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Announcement of “National Archives of Modern Architecture (NAMA) 10th Anniversary Special Exhibition Japan Architects in NAMA”


 “National Archives of Modern Architecture (NAMA) 10th Anniversary Special Exhibition Japan Architects in NAMA” is being held by NAMA from July 25th to October 15th 2023 and from November 1st 2023 to February 4th 2024.  Details are provided on the exhibition site.

Annoucement of publication “Bulletin of National Archives of Modern Architecture,”


     It is informed that “Bulletin of National Archives of Modern Architecture,
Agency for Cultural A¬ffairs vol.1” is published. You can access from here.    

     However, each articles are written in Japanese with English summary.

Announcement of “Designing Home: Masterpiece Houses from NAMA’s Collection 1940-1975”


NAMA is planning “Designing Home: Masterpiece Houses from NAMA’s Collection 1940-1975” as latter part of exhibition from 7th December to 6th March, 2022. The details is gradually opened the exhibition site.

Additionally, closing date is different from the past one. NAMA will be closed every Monday and new year holiday which is from 27th December to 4th January. You are requested to check to see the date before going.

Announcement of viewing “TANGE KENZO 1938-1970: From Pre-war period to Olympic Games and World Expo”


     Saturday and Sunday is crowded and you are requested to come the exhibition on weekdays as possible as you can. In the case, number of person is over the limited capacity of exhibition room, it may be restricted to entry. If you come from the entrance of main gate for Yushima local government offices on weekdays, you are not required admission fee and booking in advance.
     Whenever you come from the entrance of “Kyu-Iwasaki-tei garden”, you are requested to book in advance(, pay 400 yen as admission fee for the garden.
     In addition to this, in the case of full reservation constant, you are not enter the garden.

Information for opening movies of the exhibition “TANGE KENZO 1938-1970: From Pre-war period to Olympic Games and World Expo”


It is informed that NAMA is open the movies of the introduction for the exhibition, and symposium titled “Connect TANGE KENZO and others-between the two”. In addition to this, this symposium was recorded in NAMA without visitors because of prevention Covid-19.