News List
Announcement of “World Fair in Japan 1970-2005”
Part1「Expo’70 Synthesis of Technology, Design and Art」 2025.3.8 Sat. -5.25 Sun.
Part2「After Expo’75 Toward People, Nature, and the Environment」 2025.6.14 Sat. -8.31 Sun.
Closed on Mondays.
(Open on holidays that fall on a Monday. In which case the following weekday will be closed.
Open on 5th May., 6th May., 21st Jul., 11th Aug. Closed on 22nd Jul., 12th Aug.)
Opening hours:10:00-16:30
Click here for exhibition information
Oct.18, 16:30-17:30 Event Information
National Archives of Modern Architecture [NAMA], Agency of Cultural Affairs, will be hosting a gallery lecture by Alice Roegholt, founder and emeritus director of the Het Ship Museum, which produced the Video “Horiguchi Sutemi and the Amsterdam School,” currently on show in our exhibition room.
She will talk about the new discoveries she made during her research in Amsterdam about the exchange between Japan and the Netherlands in the field of architecture that took place over 100 years ago through the architect Sutemi Horiguchi.
Date Oct.18, 16:30-17:30
Title 1923: Horiguchi meets the Amsterdam School
Lecturer Alice Roegholt, founder and emeritus director of the Het Schip Museum
Seat 30
Venue Exhibition Room, NAMA
Cooperation The Japan and Netherlands Architecture & Culture Association
Sponsor The Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Japan
*This is a visual lecture using slides in English. Japanese summary will be distributed.
*Reservations are not required. Those who wish to attend should enter through the main gate of the Yushima Local Common Government Offices, do not enter via the Kyu-Iwasaki-tei Gardens, because the garden entrance will be closed at the end of the lecture.
For more information about the exhibition, please visit this page.
We are open 17 Aug.
We are open 17 Aug.
[Open hours] 10:00-16:30
We are closed on 16 Aug.
Due to Typhoon, we are closed on 16 Aug.
Explorations of HORIGUCHI Sutemi:Modernism, Rikyu, Garden, Waka
We are pleased to announce our next Exhibition “Explorations of HORIGUCHI Sutemi:Modernism, Rikyu, Garden and Waka”.
[Date] 2024.8.9 Fri. -10.27 Sun.
Closed:Mondays(Open on holidays that fall on a Monday. In which case the following day will be closed: Open on 12th Aug., 16th Sep., 23rd Sep., 14th Oct. Closed on 13th Aug., 17th Sep., 24th Sep., 15th Oct.)
Some of exhibits will be changed during the exhibition period.
[Open hours] 10:00-16:30