令和4年度展覧会 原広司 建築に何が可能か-有孔体と浮遊の思想の55年-
令和4年12月13日(火)~令和5年3月5日(日) |
『令和4年度展覧会 原広司 建築に何が可能か-有孔体と浮遊の思想の55年-』は終了しました。
主 催:文化庁
協 力:アトリエ・ファイ建築研究所、公益財団法人東京都公園協会
会 場:文化庁国立近現代建築資料館(東京都文京区湯島4-6-15 湯島地方合同庁舎内)
会 期:令和4年12月13日(火)~令和5年3月5日(日)
時 間:10:00‐16:30
日時 : 12月16日(金)、20日(火)、23日(金)、
集合場所 : 当館2階ロビー(展示室前)に14時集合。予約不要、先着15名程度。
1.有孔体と浮遊の思想の誕生 1960年代
2.反射性住居と世界の集落調査 1970年代
3.公共建築と様相論 1980年代
4.巨大建築での有孔体と浮遊の実現 1990年代
文化庁 国立近現代建築資料館
National Archives of Modern Architecture, Agency for Cultural Affairs
TEL 03-3812-3401 FAX 03-3812-3407
Email: nama@mext.go.jp
1)2022年度 立命館大学特別講義 「原広司 有孔体と浮遊の思想 2022」
会場:ZOOMウェビナー(定員1000人) 事前申し込みが必要です。
*関連イベント:立命館大学オンライン特別講義 「原広司 有孔体と浮遊の思想 2022」放映のお知らせ
2022年12月22日に開催された関連イベントである、立命館大学オンライン特別講義 「原広司 有孔体と浮遊の思想 2022」の動画(1時間半)を会場ロビーにて放映します。
場所:当館2F ロビー(展示室前)
1. 情報収集
2. 資料の収集・保管
3. 展示・教育普及
4. 調査研究等
Yoshida Tetsuro Archive
After graduating from the Department of Architecture of Tokyo Imperial University in 1919, YOSHIDA Tetsuro joined the Building and Repairs Section, the Finance Bureau at Ministry of Communications. He retired from the Ministry of Communications in 1944. In 1946, he became a professor at Nihon University. He designed many buildings for the Ministry of Communications, including the Kyoto Central Post Office, Tokyo Central Post Office, and Osaka Central Post Office. He also left various works, including facilities like Beppu City Public Hall, residential architecture, and plans for the competition. He was also active in various other areas, such as publishing books in German and translating works by Bruno Taut.
The archive is comprised of more than 2,000 architectural design drawings. It includes YOSHIDA’s works from his student days (until 1919) up to Mimatsu Shobo (1953), the work in his final years, and the works he was engaged in as an official of the Ministry of Communications. YOSHIDA contributed to the progress of modern architecture in Japan before World War II, and this is a precious material that shows his public and private activities and the thoughts behind his designs.
Major Works
- 1925 Entry for Competition to Design a Memorial to the Great Kanto Earthquake
- 1926 Kyoto Central Telephone Office
- 1928 Beppu City Public Hall (Current Beppu Central Community Center)
Baba House in Ushigome
Baba Villa in Nasu
Kuchiki Family’s Shoka-so Villa - 1931 Osaka Higashi Post Office
Tokyo Central Post Office - 1937 Baba Kunihiko House
Baba Villa in Karasuyama - 1939 Osaka Central Post Office
Entry for Competition to Design Chureito Memorials to War Dead - 1940 Baba Villa in Atami
- 1952 Design Proposal for the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building
Past Exhibitions in NAMA
- Yoshida Tetsuro: Bridging Modernism and Tradition, 2019
YOSIZAKA Takamasa + Atelier U Architectural Drawings
The content of these materials can be divided broadly into two categories. One is materials up to 1954, before establishing YOSIZAKA Studio (later becoming Atelier U), including drawing materials that are assumed to be prepared in the office of Le Corbusier. Another is materials from 1954, when the Studio was established, to 1980, when YOSIZAKA died. These are made up of drawings (about 8,100 items) and documents (about 50 items).
YOSIZAKA Takamasa spent his childhood and adolescence in various regions, including Tokyo and overseas. He entered the Department of Architecture, Waseda University 1938 and studied under KON Wajiro. He graduated from the Department of Architecture, School of Science and Engineering, Waseda University, in 1941. In the same year, he assumed the position of assistant instructor at Waseda University. He responded to a call for military service from 1942 to 1945. He went to France from 1950 to 1952 and worked at the office of Le Corbusier. In 1954, he established YOSIZAKA Studio (later becoming Atelier U) and started design activities. He became a professor at Waseda University in 1959.
Major Works
- 1955 Yoshizaka House
Ura House - 1956 Japan Pavilion, Venice Biennale
Villa Coucou - 1957 Kaisei High School
- 1958 La Maison Franco-Japonaise
- 1958-63 Kureha Junior High School
- 1959 Gotsu City Hall
Congo Léopoldville Culture Center Competition - 1959-1968 Kasawa Hyutte
- 1960-81 Athénée Français
- 1963-1976 Inter-University Seminar House
- 1965-67 Oshima Project
- 1970 Hakone International Tourist Center Competition
- 1973 Atlier U
Past Exhibitions in NAMA
- Le Corbusier and Japan With a Focus on the Three Apprentices who Built the National Museum of Western Art, 2015
Contents Yoshizaka House, Japan Pavilion, Venice Biennale - DISCONTINUOUS UNITY Architecture of YOSIZAKA Takamasa + Atelier U, 2015
- Recent Acquisitions and Collection Highlights 2017
Contents Japan Pavilion, Venice Biennale - Collection Showcase 2018 From Architecture to Urbanism 1945-1970 Perspectives on Urban Design in the Postwar Era
Contents Oshima Project - Museums by Japanese Architects 1940s -1980s: Origins and Trajectories, 2020
Contents Japan Pavilion, Venice Biennale - Designing Home: Masterpiece Houses from NAMA’s Collection 1940-1975, 2021
Contents Yoshizaka House
TANGE Kenzo Microfilms Archive from Tange Associates
These are the microfilm data of about 15,000 drawings, etc. In addition to drawings for famous works, including the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum, Totsuka Country Club House, Yoyogi National Gymnasium, and Yamanashi Press and Broadcasting Center, there are also works from overseas projects, including Kuwait Sports Center and National Sports Complex in Singapore. There are not only design drawings but also many works, including working drawings and building service drawings. They are precious materials with a strong potential for being helpful in studies not restricted to the design perspective. In addition to drawing materials for architectural works by TANGE Kenzo, there are also copies of his collection of works and copies of drawings of reference works by other design offices.
TANGE Kenzo graduated from the Faculty of Engineering of Tokyo Imperial University in 1938 and joined Mayekawa Kunio Associates, Architects & Engineers. He became an assistant professor at the Faculty of Engineering 1 of the University of Tokyo in 1946. He established Kenzo Tange and URTEC in 1961. He became a professor at the Department of Urban Engineering, the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Tokyo. He became a professor emeritus at the University of Tokyo and established Tange Studio in 1974.
Major Works
- 1942 The Great East Asia Memorial Competition
- 1952 Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park and Museum
- 1953 Tange House in Seijo
- 1957 Sumi Memorial Hall
- 1957 The Former Tokyo Metropolitan Government Office
- 1958 Kagawa Prefectural Government Office
- 1960 A Plaln for Tokyo 1960
- 1960 Headquarters Building for The World Health Organization
- 1964 Yoyogi Natinal Gmnasium
St. Mary’s Cathedral - 1966 Yamanashi Press and Broadcasting Center
- 1967 Former Dentsu Headquarters Building
- 1970 Master Plan for Expo’70 (Infrastructure and Festival Plaza)
- 1972 National Sports Complex Singapore
- 1979 Kuwait International Airport
- 1991 Tokyo Metropolitan Government Office
Past Exhibitions in NAMA
- Le Corbusier and Japan With a Focus on the Three Apprentices who Built the National Museum of Western Art, 2015
Contents Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park Basic Development Plan. - TANGE KENZO 1938-1970 From Pre-war period to Olympic Games and World Expo, 2021
Contents Yamanashi Press and Broadcasting Center, The Kuwait Sports Centre project, Memorial Plaza for Student Who perished in the War.